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a loaf of white bread. in fact I like the bread she makes much better. as I eat it with my serial [[cereal]] for breakfast. She puts raisins in it & it gives it a fine flavor. that pot of plants that  you brought me when you came home is doing fine I still keep it up stairs in teh front chamber & change it to my room in the afternoon when the sun gets into it later on. the days it is too cool to sit out on the porch I go up into the unfinished room over the back stairs where its always warm on account of the sun & chimney. I do my reading or sewing. I love that little room since I sent off those old rags to the old home poor people. I guess Bill may come tonight, so he will take the mail back & it will go early. we only have one mai a day, around half past two. This is all the things to tell this time. shall be glad to see you here soon love to Dorisid Ma.