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seem possible she was born in the house when the Colcoeds live while I was boarding with aunt Mary Waldo on the hill opposite & at work in the box factory. She took us four girls to board I roomed with Addie Bright and Emily with Annie Look. those were the happy days. They are all dead & gone thats the worst of growing old. I ought to feel thank full for my bring as well as I am. my deafness is the worst thing now. I must tell you now before I forget it that check arrived Saturday afternoon. & I was gad to receive it as I only had $10. in my pocket book left. but rent money comes in from the Drakes the last of this month. today is the 22nd eight days more this month goes out. I am looking forward to seeing you pretty soon now if you come up on memorial day. Well this is all I can think of much more Alice told Mrs. Barry she was thinking of going on the old age pention. she is getting too old to teach school now her health is giving out besides never very well.
