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I see by the News Sentinel that Mrs Burk sends me to read of the death of Eunice Mantle she is some of our relations. Elisha Monks daughter. she had a sister Bertha who married Isae Marston. I used to go to high school with them. she had a brother George, Beatrice Monks father. their mother was my own cousin & she was named Sally after mother. aunt Larah Frenches daughter. my fathers sister. I am looking out the upstairs front chamber window where I always write my letters. two cars have just come up to turn around in our driveway I think its somone coming here to visit us, but guess it will be Bill later on in the day. I think the brides Sisters are home from their Florida vacation. their garage hides their house from us, so we cant see over into their yard. My flowers you put in the vase before you went home are all blossomed out & look lovely. hope Doris is over her sick spell & is good as ever with her strength all back able to continue with her wash. we have had several nice warm days hope it continues this way though the rest of April. My rose bushes are leaving out under the font window they will soon bud & blossom. Ma.