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Macon County
Notasulga Ala
April 3d 1867

Maj General
W Swayne
Montgomery Ala


Not knowing who else to write to, I address you this note to inform that their is in this immediate neighbourhood several cases of very great destitution and want. Mostly of Whites and a few Blacks= and up to this time those persons have received no aid form the Government and I am satisfied that no persons more needy than they and men deserving of aid can exist anywhere.

I have put myself to the trouble of procuring their names the number in each family= with their condition which will be forwarded and verified if their be any chance to get them any supplies = a few citizens who have and are still aiding them = think that the late appropriation of Congress relieves them to some extent. I have no interest but that of trying to aid the poor. We have a reliable Post Master here that would I have no doubt take a pleasure in assisting you in making the distributions - Refering you to Thos Joseph. Israel Roberts and other old citizens of Montgomery as to myself. 

I am yours &c &c
H. H. Armstrong