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voters - that they have worked faithfully and industriously - have a good crop on hand - have gardens which go far towards supporting their families - and if obliged to leave the premises now, their families and themselves must suffer- If these practices are allowed the Govt. will be compelled to contribute largely to the support of this class of freedmen through the winter

The article from the "Memphis Avalanch" to which I have alluded, will be published in the Great Republic and I call your attention to it. Having as briefly as possible stated to you facts in reference to an evil that calls for your official interpretation, I will only add that Genl Callis is discharging his duties faithfully and doing all he can to ameliorate the condition of freedmen and to protect them in their rights - but the misfortune is his orders are not obeyed.
Very respectfully
Yr Obt servt
D. H. Bingham

Maj Genl O. O. Howard
The two freedmen first named in this letter have been working a crop on shares with the Hon Geo S. [[Hensert?]] formerly M. C. for this state

Transcription Notes:
The H in the ? last name does not look like the others. Is seems close to Harvest... but it is unclear.