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Office Sub Asst Comr BRF & AL
Dist Nor Alabama
Huntsville Ala Aug 19th 1867

Respectfully returned to O.D Kinsman Sub Asst Comr Montgomery Alabama with the remarks that cases like the one referred to are coming to my notice daily  it cannot be denied that gross outrages of this nature are practiced on Freedmen. I issue orders write letters and use every means at my command to have my orders strictly adhered to and the "Rebels" use every means in their power to evade the orders or instructions sent by me or other Government Officers. A General Order to cover the case defining my power to have orders executed would be of vast assistance to me and do much good to the Country.



There is no use of sending such cases to the Civil Courts as Justice is invariably denied the Freedmen there

Jno B Callis
Bt Brig Genl U.S.V. and
Sub Asst Comr BRF & AL
Dist Nor Ala

E.B. 191 - Enclosure & Wrapper

Recd Aug 22nd/67