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Mobile Alabama
Aug. 20th 1867

Maj. Genl. Wager Swayne
Comdg Dept. Ala

Dr Sir
Maj. Tracey has read me extracts from his report, which I think would enhance the general interests of our cause to have published. As I have now closed out my interests in the store, I am ready now to enter at once into the schools & confidently believe I can in a short time bring them up to their former standing. As I am now awaiting your actions, an early reply is most respectfully solicited. 
I most cheerfully commend to your notice as clerk of the city market, J. H. Harrington of Battlecreek Miss. A truly loyal man and in every way worthy & competent to fill the office. He is now acting as policeman in this city the best of references given if desired./ Hoping general to have the privilege of serving you as Supt. of Schools.
I am very Resply
Your humble petitioner
EC Branch
Box 812

Transcription Notes:
Edit: you don't need to line break whenever the writing hits the edge of the paper, just line break whenever there's a new paragraph. corrections