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Mobile, August 31st, 1867
Maj. General Pope
Dear General
(Atlanta Geo)  Dear Sir.

General, I cannot restrain from writing upon this important point, which is that much neglected school, When are we ever to have a standard school in this County. I have spoken to Major Tracy here, who, told me so many tales that, I cannot but remember the final dicision made by him to me while on a return from viewing the suburb of the town, our object of going, was to see if he could not rent a place for the purpose but as you have heard above, made sure the above dicision. What are we to do when are we expect a change. We are in possion of many schools, but private, more can be taught, but those who are able to spare $2 $3 per month; Please give me some consolation, in order that I may make my people rest easy also. What I ask you is what I am asked dayly. 

I Remain
Your Most Obedient Servant
G Benedict

Mobile P. Box. 170.