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the governments bounty. 
The "Agents" do not regard me as their supervisor or director, in disposing of the supplies, but seem to regard themselves as responsible to Mr. Cruikshanks only. I, therefore can do nothing except turn my back when the stores, and a deaf can to the multitude of earnest entreaties for help, which reach me. 
It's hardly necessary for me to state General, that I shall obey with alacrity, any order which you may issue relating to these stores, or to any other matter within my official province. But without definite orders from you, I don't see how I can be instrumental in causing said stores promptly and thoroughly to fulfill the mission contemplated by the appropriation for their purchase. 
It writing on this subject, I feel bound to state my conviction that the method adopted by Mr. Cruikshanks for the issue of the supplies is quite impracticable. And every day's observation convinces me of the fact only more thoroughly.