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Troy Pike Co. Ala.
March 11, 1867

Herewith I send Judge Greene's report in the case of Simon Culver. Before the receipt of this report I appreciated  B. [[Gardner?]] Esq, whom you know, to go to Henry county and investigate the matter. His report, verbal, confirmed that of Judge Green. The wife and child were peacefully returned to Simon. The children bound to Mr L.D. Culver remain so. Mr. Culver is in all perfect a suitable person to have the care and raising of the children, and under the circumstance, of the case, is my opinion. It will be better for them and for Simon for them to remain. If however you think differently, when I get around to Henry county, I will have a letter filed to Judge Green to set aside the action of apprenticeship. That is the proper legal remedy. Judge Green is a record excellent conscientious officer and will do what he thinks right.