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Henry County Ala
Abbeville March 2nd 1867

Hon. H. D. Clayton

Dear Sir I am in receipt of your letter valid the 16th ult together with the enclosed copy of letters Nos 1 & 2 in which you ask that an investigation be had in this case, which I have done and take great pleasure in giving you Honor a full, true, and correct statement of the facts in this case which will I think reconcile the whole matter. On the 27th day of December 1865, one Simon Culver a freedman called at my office and said he wanted marriage license for himself and one Jane Teague a freedwoman. I asked him the following question, were you living together with any woman up to the 29th day of September 1865 and recognizing each other as man and wife. He stated not that he had never had a wife. I stated should you had then been living according to an ordinance of the state convention you would be man & wife. I am then particular in giving this information to all then of this case, who apply fo remarriage license before I issue, I accordingly issued marriage license to the said Simon and said Jane Teague. On the next day shortly after I arrived at my office