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Office Civilian Agt. Bureau R.F & AL
Uniontown. May 9. 1867

Maj Genl Wager Swayne
Montgomery, Ala. 

General. The enclosed Pronanciamento came into my possession through the Mr. Howard therein named, accompanied by the request, that, I would have the Freedpersons arrested, and sent under guard to Mr. Spann. Of course I declined compliance.

After due consideration, I have deemed it my duty to place you in possession of the Singular document. Mr. Spann is an acting agent of the Bureau at Newbern in the new County of Hale. And it occurs to my mind that his assumption of Plenary powers is manifestly opposed to the Federal and Local Laws, and to public policy.

Your Obedient Servant
Robt. Christian 
Agt. of Bureau &c