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Petitioner had never seen the place Hawkins prepared to give in Exchange- but represented to Petitioner that he had 1382 acres of Land, a large portion of the first quality. Well improved good dwelling & all necessary out houses. That a large portion in a high state of cultivation large fields sown in clover and grapes - excellent orchards and one of the most desirable places in that section of the state, That if he could live in Peace in that section he would not entertain the idea of disposing of his place That he could not live there in peace and safety, and had fled from the country leaving his family & was seeking a home in a country more congenial with his political opinions - believing the representations made by Hawkins to be true and very desirous of removing to a country where he could be protected in person & Property your Petitioner agreed to exchange places with said Hawkins and on the 2nd March 1865 made a deed to said Hawkins to 513 acres of land lying in DeKalb County the place where your Petitioner was then living which is known as the Moun Track and in part [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] the Francis Swaber tract being part of the North West 1/4 sec. 8. T. 7. R 9 East also N.W. 1/4 of sec 7. T. 7. R 9. and 1/4 in lend of the Francis Swaber Tract and Two Hundred acres of the 16 section being in the N. West part of said Section 16 all in T. 7 R.9. East in the Cerris