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althought born in a foreign country (France) I am citizen of the United States ever since Oct. 16th 1852. (Naturalization office, New York) I have always believed in my Country of adoption, and made my living honestly & with probity, having given to this country my Intelligence & my labor. Some prominent & loyal citizens can prove this everywhere I have been.

There is now over two months, General, since I left S.C. McIntyre employment, waiting daily for my salary to enable me to start another business, I am pennyless, my credit exhausted, I have lost a precious time during which I could have made enough to live by my work; I, in consequence of the above, which I hope, General, you will take in consideration, respectfully request from your Equity & Justice an order for the prompt payment to me by S.C. McIntyre of the sum of 400 doll for salary, legally due me, and for that one of 200 doll for damages, losses of time, empeachment of doing anything and prejudice done me by S.C. McIntyre voluntarily & intentionaly! The cipher of the of the last sum being, of course, respectfully submitted to your wise decision.

Hoping to be excused to have disturbed you by a such long letter,

I have the honor to be,
General, Your Very Respectful & obedt. Servt.
Charles Corège