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Hd Qrs Sub Dist of Eufaula B.R.F & A.L.
Eufaula Ala June 14th of 1867

Col. O.D. Kinsman
Sub. Asst. Commissioner
Montgomery Ala.

I have the honor to report to you the following estimate of funds necessary for the payment of all Bureau expenses for this Sub. Dist. during the present month.

[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |
| No 12 | Lease of office and stable per month | $30.00 |
| No 12 | Lease of office Furniture per month | 5.00 |
| No 12 | Draying of Furniture to office | 2.00 |
| No 12 | Stationery for office | 5.00 |
| Postage form | Postage Stamps | 2.00 |
|   | P.M. Salary of Sub. Asst. Commr. from May 27th @ $150.00/100 per month | 170.00 |
| Salary of Asst. Asst. Commr. from May 1st inst @ $125.00/100

I am Sir
Very respectfully
Your obdt. Servt. &c
W.E. Connelly
Sub. Asst. Commissioner

Transcription Notes:
placement of "P.M." (Provost Marshal?) could be put into question