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2nd Enquiry

I think the general conduct toward the negroes in regard to schools may be stated to be good as could be expected & need no remedy that time will not cause They have the most perfect liberty & freedom of religious toleration. They hold their Seperate Meetings in the Methodist Church at this place & are allowed to attend churches of the whites as formerly & hold their connections as heretofore. They have no seperate church organizations but would not be prevented from doing so.
There has been no Political Meetings hence cant say, yet believe, that no maltreatment would result if they were to do so. I have heard but little complaint  

3rd Enquiry from the negroes respecting a non compliance on part of contractors with laborers believe the treatment in General about as the white laborers are. They generally get the employers I speak generally. There may be isolated cases of swindling or taking advantage of the ignorance & credibility of the negro. They are treated generally as other laborers no violence inflicted on them that comes under my observation that are not dealt with fairly. The officers are conforming to law & instructions & seem willing to avoid all cases of offence I have gone thru in detail on account of acquaintance (presuming that you served in the Legislature at last term) & would rely on statements made by me & to protect by that means false impressions being made against Coffee County by evil disposed persons. My remarks are general individual cases may exist of wrong which should rest on its own responsibility & not involve a whole