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from Mobile and had no place for its storage so the necessity arose for a store house. I searched the town over from one end to the other, and finally succeeded in finding a store room which would cost fifty dollars per month.

This store room adjoins another room which could be had at the same price, so after due consideration, and with a view of economy toward the government I concluded that I would rent the two rooms and move my office in one of them. By this move I deprive myself of many conveniences but save the Govt. $50 per month.

It was impossible for me to longer do without a store house as the last lot of supplies are not needed, each county having quite a large amount of last issue still on hand.

Hoping this information may be satisfactory. I have the honor to be

Very Respectfully
Your obedient servant
Jno B Callis
Bt. Brig Genl and
Sub Asst. Comr