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United States Dist Court
Northern District of Ala
Limestone County  
Personally appeared before me D.H. Bingham Reg in Bankruptcy and authorized to administer oaths. Richard Harris & his wife Jane Harris who being duly sworn depose & say, that by the last will and testament of Mr. W. Harris deceased, late of said County, the said deponents are the largest legatees in interest in said Estate. That these deponents are colored persons and the said Jane the reputed daughter of said Testator Harris. That said Will has been placed in the office of the Probate Judge of this County for Probate. That these deponents have been notified by the white heirs and legatees to said will, that its validity will be contested - and that one John Torrentine has filed a petition to the Probate Judge for authority to the possession of said Estate alledging that the property belonging to it is going to north - These deponents aver that for the last eight or ten years, they have lived with said Testator Harris and have taken care of him and his property and that the crop now growing on the place, one moiety belongs to them by virtue of their contract with him and the other has been demised to them by the terms of the will - These deponents

Transcription Notes:
demise= grant in a will