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Hd. Qrs. Sub. Dist. of Eufaula
Eufaula, Ala. Sept. 1st 1867

Col. O. D. Kinsman,
Montgomery, Ala.

Sir -

I enclose herewith Monthly Report for August. 

Being delayed on my return to my office from home, and being pressed with business since my return, I have made my report quite brief.

Having no experience in such business, I would like to know if those Reports are made up properly. My desire is to do business correctly. Hence any suggestions you may think proper to offer, will be thankfully received.

Is there any important position to which you could assign Mr. Burton? I think he has had sufficient experience to qualify him to take charge of a sub. Dist. - An efficient clerk is all I need now; and I can obtain an excellent young man at a clerks pay. He is a son of Dr. J. H. Davis of Randolph County. He is "all right" in every respect.

I am, sir, 
Very respectfully, 
Your obt. servt.
W. E. Connelly
Sub. Asst. Comr.