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Home for Orphans
Montgomery Ala.
Sept 2nd 1867

Gen. Wager Swayne

Dr Sir -

I am under the necessity of again addressing you in refference to the rations for the Orphans Home. I addressed a note, on Saturday, to Col. Kingsman, asking rations for the Home, and reced. for reply a note, saying I had best address myself to you, on your return, as Col. Kingsman had no authority to supply us. 

I now address you, in the hope of obtaining something for the Orphans to live upon. We are now without brad for them and almost out of everything else. Will you be so very kind as to aquire & furnish us rations? Our supply for last month was very scant indeed, and had to be used with the utmost economy, to be made to go through the month. 

Relying upon your well known generosity for a further supply

I am,
Yours Respectfully
Mary Cleaveland