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Head-Quarters Sub-District of Northern Alabama,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
HUNTSVILLE, ALA., Nov 8th 1867.
Major General Wager. Swayne.
Asst Commissioner
Montgomery Ala.

Complaints are daily coming to me that land owners who rented land to Freedmen this year for a share of the Crop, are taking possession of the entire crop and shipping the same against the wish and earnest protestations of the renter; and even without giving the Freedman a showing as to weights to. Cannot some order be issued by which they can be forced to divide the crop on the plantation as per contract?
If something of the kind is not done at once the Freedmen will have nothing on earth to show for their last years labor. I have written letters to parties on the subject and they seem to disregard all their obligations and the rights of the freedmen. I want some order by which I can force them to do Justice to the colored people other than the so-called Civil Laws here for it generally takes more than the value of the negroes share of crop to commence a suit in court. May I beg you to give this matter your immediate attention? as many cases demand immediate action and some have already been last and the parties so offending gone to Texas and other places to avoid justice.
