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done in refusing the redress, effects other persons. Witnesses, in some cases five or six have to travel the same distance and lose the time and incur the expense and in many cases these witnesses are old, infirm, poor and really unable to travel or incur the expense.

The law under which we now live was passed by the white man, and the officers charged with the execution of these laws were elected or appointed without any participation by the freedmen. It therefore seems that Justice ought to be impartially administered without distinction of race or color.

I beg to state that the cause of my addressing you on this subject is to secure such endorsement as you may think proper to make, and that the same may be forwarded to the Commanding General for such action as he may deem proper.

I have the honor Major to be
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
J.F. Conoley
Judge of Probate

 Maj. George Shorkley
15th U.S Inf't.