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Daleville Ala Nov 28th 1867

John C Keffer Sir 
Permit me to call your attention to two cold blooded murders committed in Dale County Ala on the persons of two freedmen one being taken out of his bed carried two miles of and hung for no crime whatever. the other was shot in the night as he was on his way home he having committed no crime either. the man that was hung was named Peter and when in bondage belonged to a man named Boddie on whose premises he was living at the time of his murder the man Boddie went next day had the corpse taken down and buried he lives within three miles of Daleville in Dale County there is a freedman named Charles who was living with Mr Boddie at the time of the murder and who I have no doubt can give the name of the murderers. the murder was committed on the east side of Clay Bank Creek and Charles cannot be got on the west side of the Creek since he says he is afraid to go, so that he must know who done the deed. he is still living with Mr Boddie. the man who was shot was named Willis and when in bondage was the property of Allen C Sconyers the civil authorities having taken no notice whatever of the matter I have taken the liberty to bring it your notice hoping you will have it investigated believing you to be a friend of the colored race the subject would have been devulged to you when you were in this section if I had been at home this is no sensation report but a true statement of facts. as I am not certain that the matter will be investigated I withhold my name for the present. I send this to Eufaula to be mailed, fearing to mail it here. if the military will take the matter in hand they shall have the names of the murders.        An L.L.