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Notasulga Ala Nov 10 1867

Maj Gen W Swayne commandant at Montgomer

Sir in behalf of the freedmen that is in the employment of J L David Nevre he has some hired and is giveing them standing wages and is defrauding them an forging accounts against them for the purpose of getting there wages out of them unjustly and they are affraid to by to get there rits for david says that if they prosicut him he will have them killed or kiled them at registration tim and one of them fell out the freedman contended for his rits David attempted to cut his throut and told him if he Prosicuted him he would kill him so he is affraid to try to get his rits for feare that he will be killed he give one oold freed woman a severe beting not longe sence he had Nothing to do with her only had here boys hired and great many other things I could tell you but forbar for the Present but knowing that your bound to Protect all Persons in Person and property and know that would knot allow such things to be if you knew it he was astronge he was astrong war man but never went is opposed to reconstruction the reason he acts so is he says that the civil aint any account on the Miliatry is Noting