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of the Weaver Lot, on which the Government buildings are situated. If this document is still on the files of your office, the reservation can be seen. If it is not Col. Cadle, who drew it up, and Col. Beecher who joined in approving the conditions, may be able to confirm my recollection. 

After that time, it became doubtful whether the Bureau had the authority to sell the property and in a conversation with you upon the subject, you mentioned that you would try to procure the passage of a bill by Congress, enabling you to sell, and thus make good the promises given to and accepted by the Freedman in good faith. The needed authority seemed to be fully given in the 12th Section of the new Bureau bill, and I have since felt assured that the freedman who have been anxiously waiting the issue, would be justified in their generous trust of the promises of the Bureau; a trust accorded freely at considerable risk, and in spite of the [[screening? swearing? screaming?]] and