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Troy, Pike County, Alabama, February 5th 1867. Maj. O.D. Kinman, A.A.G. Sirs Among the lot of Clothing, &c., I received from the Government last month, for the use of the Destitute and Infirm of Pike County, there are a number of Broadcloth Coats, the most of which are too small for those entitled to them. Then again, it is all mens clothing, while most of those who are receiving aid from the Government, in this County, are Women and Children, and can receive no benefit from the Clothing sent. Therefore, with your permission, I would like to sell such of the Clothing as are too small, and such other as I may think necessary, and with the money buy Cloth and distribute to the most destitute women and children. I am satisfied that this would be the better plan. There are a great many destitute women in the County with from two to five little children, and sometimes more,