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Bureau R.F and A. Lands.
Office Asst. Supt. Dist of Greenville,
Greenville, Feb. 15th 1867

Bvt. Lt. Col. Kinsman,

At the request of Maj. Oglesby of this place, I write to inform you of the fact that a juvenile freedman, in his charge, has absconded. Taking with him, thievishly, the sum of ten dollars. The boy answers to the name of "Jack", and is Eleven or Twelve years old. His mother is dead and he has no father. I advised the gentleman to apply to the authorities of Montgomery to procure his arrest, but he urged that the officers of the Bureau there should be notified of the runaway, so that if he applied for relief his character might be known.

Very Respectfully
Your obt. Servt
Sam S. Gardiner
Asst Supt.