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E & M 1030 Sub Dist. of Ala 1867

Hd Qrs Pub Dist of Alabama

Montgomery Ala  Feb. 19th 1867
Respectfully referred to Lieut E. B. Savage, Comdg Post of Montgomery, Ala, for investigation of report.

By order of Maj. Genl. Swayne
J. F. Cunningham
1 Lieut 24th U.S. Inf
A. A. A. G.

Hd. Qrs Post of Montgomery
Montgomery, Ala. Feb 21st/67

Respectfully submitted to 1st Lt. J.F. Cunningham A. A. A. G. Sub. Dist. of Ala. with the information that I have investigated the matter within referred to, and that Corpl Beard states that he turned over all the Comsr'y Stores he ad on hand, and that Corp'l Hoefle made no objection whatever to those turned over.

Corp'l Beard denies the truth of the statements contained in the communication of Corp'l Hoefle to Supt. Gardner.
E. B. Savage
1st St 33rd Inf'try
Comd'g Post

Transcription Notes:
Some of the names was hard to make out.