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Head-Quarters, Sub-District of Alabama.
Montgomery, Ala., [Dec 29th] Feb? 1867

Mr Garland Goode
Agent B.R.F & A.L.
Claiborne, Monroe Co. Ala


Alfred Rogers now of Autauga Co makes statement at this office that his boy Alfred aged 16 years has been bound to Mrs Rebecca Rogers who lives in Monroe near the line of Wilcox Co. that he (the Father) on leaving the place in Christmas '65 wished to take his son away but was refused permission and that the next month the boy was at your instance bound to Mrs Rogers.  Lady Rogers makes same statement as to the binding of her three children,  Susan aged 14, Charity aged 12, and Louisa aged 11, That she with her Grandfather is able to support the children.  You will please make report of your action in, and the merits of these cases.

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
O.D. Kinsman

Transcription Notes:
Did not address edits made to date in the heading