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Office Superintendent Bureau R.F. and A.L. Sub District of Mobile Mobile, Ala, March 7 1867. O.D. Kinsman Supt B.R.F.& A.L. Montgomery, Ala. Sir: A colored woman, named Ludy Rogers has made complaint at this office that her three children are wrongfully detained from her under the following circumstances. She formerly belonged to Mrs. Rebecca Rogers, living area Camden Monroe County, and left the children with her with the promise that she could have them whenever she called for them. On going for them, however, after an absence of about three months, Mrs Rogers refused to give the children up and claimed that they had been bound to her by Mr Garland Goode, who was then an agent of the Bureau in Monroe County. Upon this, the woman states that she brought the matter to the attention of Gen. Swayne who furnished her with a letter To Mr. Goode, who, she says, and I believe truthfully treated her with great rudeness, telling her she could not have the children, but to take herself off or she would get into trouble and told her also that she would get into the (over)