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Gerard Russell C Ala
April 27th 1864

Giddins Gus (Cld)

States that he was requested by Becky Bacon to hire a hand for her to cut
wood, by mistake he cut a tree on  Mr Parmer's land but did not cut it up Mr Parmer cut the tree up and took the wood. Mr Parmer sued him before Judge Waddell, Mr Hooper "county lawyer" asked of Gus Giddins hired him, the man wasn't in Court. Becky Bacon swore that he wasn't to blame. She
Showed him where to cut, Judge Waddell said he should pay ten Dollars and give bond of one hundred dollars to appear at circuit court Says Mr Parmer had spite against him. because he moved a colored family from  his
premises that he turned off. Told Mr Parmer to set his price on the tree & he would pay it he asks advice