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Wetumpka Elmore Co Ala May 15th 1867
General Swane 
Dear Sir I once more implore you to aid me as I am in grate adversity My husband is seventy six years old and has been paralised thirteen years And I am seventy three years old and We have no means of a support more Than one cow and I have borrowed three Bushels of corn I applied to the juge To assist me and he has not and I do All that I can and if we do not get Some help more than the little rations We draw we wil have to suffer
My desire is that you previl with the juge to assist us with money for our Support yearly as long as we live
Whitch shurley can not be long And you wil ever be [[strikethrough]] remembered [[/strikethrough]] remembered as an actugel friend By me Yours truly
Sarah Grier

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