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wantonness and barbarity of which it is possible to conceive. I will not enter into details, however, at this time. As soon as the guilty person was discovered the officer was sent to arrest him, but he had escaped. He got safely through the country to the station of Georgiana, on the A. & F.R.R. whence he went to Mobile. 
It came out in evidence that a man named Hinson, upon hearing the firing went to the spot, and part of the way with Tom Cook. He found the dead body, but went home and said nothing of it to any one. He swore at the examination that he had no knowledge of the perpetrator. It is morally certain, however, that Cook confided his agency in it to Hinson. Judge Bolling was inclined to hold him for perjury, and as an accessory after the fact, but not seeing his way to prove it did not do so. 
Very Respectfully
Your obt servt
Sam S. Gardner
Sub Asst Commr