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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & A.L.
Office of Surg. in Charge Freedmen's Genl. Hospt.
Mobile, Ala. May 19th 1867


I have the honor to state in reply to your communication of the 17th inst. that my personal knowledge of the events connected with the recent outrage at "Dog River" is confined entirely to the condition of the members of Mr. Peters family. twelve hours after the outrage had been [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] committed. Mr. and Mrs. Peters, and the three youngest - children received no serious personal injury, though they all bore indications of more or less violent treatment. The oldest child, however, a girl of twelve years, was the victim of the most cruel and outrageous violence. I found her confined to her bed; pale and weak from hemorrhage, and suffering from excessive nervous prostration.

Upon examination I observed that the "Hymen" had been much lacerated, and that the "Perineum" had been divided from the posterior commissure of the "Vulva" downward and backward to within one-quarter of an inch of the margin of the "Anus". The latter wound, had the appearance of having been made with some sharp instrument.

The other facts in relation to the outrage are believed to be

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[[stamp]] THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE UNITED STATES [[/stamp]] removed per Smithsonian instructions