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on said [[strikethrough]] on said [[/strikethrough]] Plantation by said party of the first Part, and it is understood that the said Party of the First Part has full control of said Plantation, and is entitled and empowered to direct the labor of the said Parties of the Second Part, to prescribe the crop, and to do all and everything that a Manager of a Plantation is usually authorized and empowered to do.  It is further Agreed, that when said crop is made, gathered, and prepared for market, the said Party of the first Part is authorized and empowered to dispose of said crop for current funds, and to the best advantage according to his best judgment, and after having paid all necessary and proper expenses incurred in making said crop, to wit:- Rent of land worked, at ($2.00) Two Dollars per acre, hire of animals necessary in working said crop, corn necessary for feeding work animals and laborers, food furnished laborers, clothing, medical attendance and medicines, Blacksmith's account, and all other expenses necessary to work the crop, gather it, and prepare it for market, to pay to the said Parties of the Second Part, one half of the nett amount for which said crop is sold.  It is understood that all the above mentioned supplies are to be furnished at what they may cost the said Party of the First Part.  It is further agreed that if any of said Parties of the Second Part have wives, or children or other relations that they may desire to live with them on said Plantation without performing labor as a hand, the said Party of