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Greenville Alabama
January 23rd 1867

Maj OD Kinsman
Supt Bureau RF and AL
Montgomery Ala

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 7th inst in refference to the appointing US Commissioners for each County.
In my District during the last eight months I have made it a part of my duty to study the general character, and the past as well as the present history of the people in my District also of Wilcox and a part of Lowdnes Cos and I regret to say that I do not know of one man in Butler Coffee Covington or Wilcox Cos that I could recomend to fill the office of US Commissioner. I know of three good men in Lowdnes Co either of which in my opinion would be proper persons and well qualified to fill the office. Mr Allen or Bond Partners in planting residence at Haynsville and Natives of New York, Genl Swayne knows them by reputation also Mr Buckley of same County. I have not asked either of those Gentlemen if they would accept the above named office as I was not