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Hdqrs. Sub Dist of Talladega

Col O. D. Kinsman
Sub Ast.Commsr.
Montgomery Ala

In compliance with your Endorsements of the 10th 13th and 15th inst. I have visited Calhoun, Bane and Cherokee Counties, which made in all (165) one hundred and sixty five miles, which route I could travel only by private conveyance. The stage fare from Blue Mountains to Rom, Ga by which I traveled part of the way is 20cts per mile, but my actual cost of transportation was 15cts per mile. I would respectfully request that you give me a Special Order that I way forward with my vouchers for actual traveling expenses.
I am Colonel
Very Respectfully
Your obd't serv't
J F McGogy
Sub Asst. Commsr.            

Transcription Notes:
the name is J F McGogy