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Russell County Ala".  As Giddens had been at a good deal of cost already attending Court with his witnesses, and the cause would have been continued till another term of the Court and still more cost added on by defraying the expenses of his witnesses and himself at such times, - as I was on his bond to keep him out of jail - and fully believing that I could overcome the admission of direct and positive proof - for the purposes of going to trial and getting the negro rid of as frivolous prosecution, I admitted it.

Mr. B. F. Palmer swore that as he was passing to Columbus he saw Charles Iverson cutting on a tree that he had cut down on his land - that the tree was about 10 feet from the line between his land, and the land of Becca Bacon a freedwoman, - that he asked him by whose authority he was cutting there, and he said that he was hired by Gus Giddens to cut wood there - that he had cut only one tree, and that he stopped him - that he, Palmer, then went on to Columbus, and saw Gus Giddens and told him of the circumstance, and that Giddens remarked "that a negro would be a fool anyhow but that if any of his hands had cut