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true"- that he had no idea it was to Charles Iverson that he was alluding- that [strikethrough]he[/strikethrough] never did order or authorize Charles Iverson to cut any wood on Mr. Palmer's land.-
This being all the evidence the Court thinking it a frivolous charge on the part of the State gave a fair charge to the Jury - who retired and brought in a verdict of guilty and a fine of $5- 0/00.

Since the trial I have taken the trouble to procure the affidavit of Charles Iverson and his proof fully corroborates the testimony of the other two witnesses, and you will see upon a perusal of it hereto annexed.

I submit it to you General that the testimony of Becca Bacon and Gus Giddens overcomes the admission - and that Mr Palmer [[strikethrough]] either [[/strikethrough]] misunderstood the statement of Charles Iverson.

Again - if Gus Giddens was guilty - does not the fine imposed by the Judge far exceed the punishment due for one tree that I was left corded on the spot of Mr Palmer's orders?

But suppose it was a mistake, and that Giddens had a hand in it- was not his offer fair enough "to pay for it" without

Transcription Notes:
need help on ?s.