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Garland Ala
June 22. 1867.
Col. O.A.Kinsman
Enclosed you will please find an account with my affidavit attached. against the Govt for 9 days services as supt. of Colony at this place.
By reference to papers on file in your office you will find that. my services commenced on the day stated. Capt. Arthur. writes me that. "my claim must be supported by the records of my appointment. and the time for which I have received pay." The facts in regard to my appointment are these. On the 20th of June 1866. I recd. a note from Capt. Arthur. requesting me to get ready to go down with him on the Ala Fla RlRd on that Evening June 20th 1866. we arrived at Greenville that night _ remained in Greenville until the night of the 21st June 1866. when Capt. M Gogy and myself took that train for Garland. Capt. M Gogy. arrested Mostyn. who was then Supt. of the Colony. and returned to Greenville on the morning of the 22nd June 1866. I was left here in charge of the colony. from that time, until the 15th day of May 1867. when the Colony having been turned into an assylum. "and a Surgeon." in charge, my services were dispensed with. I have drawn my pay regularly. from the 1st July 1866 to 15th May 1867. but never recd. any pay from 22 June to 30 June 1866. as charged in the a/c I send you. I hope this statement