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Hdgrs. Sub Dist Talladega
Talladega Ala. Aug 19 1867

Colonel O. D. Kinsman
Sub Asst. Commss'r
Montgomery, Ala.

In reply to yours of the 15th inst I have the honor to state that the variation from aggregate of persons and rations issued arose from the fact that on the 1st of July the AA. Surg drew one month's supplies for the number than in the Hospital, there was a gain during the month but no supplies were drawn or issued to them. My report shows the actual amount of persons during the month and the actual number of rations issued during the month. The report was correct although it did not correspond in numbers; if you not approve of this I can conform the number of persons to the number of rations issued or vice versa if it is necessary for the number to correspond but that would cause errors in the report. 
In what way or what form do you wish me to account for the provisions issued to destitutes other than on Commissary papers?
I am, Colonel
Very Respectfully
Your obd't serv't 
J F McGogy
Sub Asst. Commss'r.