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Moody of said County who being duly sworn says on oath that he was informed by Liz White, a freedwoman of said county, that sometime since one William White of said County whiped her with a hickory. That he the said White, has refused to pay her wages. That he has been informed recently by a negro man, whose name he does not now remember, that one James Rowan of said County has failed and refused to pay him for two and a half months labor at ten dollars per month. Affiant is also informed that R H Douglass has been whipping a freedman with the hickory—"

Subscribed and hereunto before me this 29 July 1867,
Jno. W. Inger. (Signed) Thomas J. Moody."
Judge of Probate}

I respectfully further report that was much as the information of said Moody - not so [[strikethrough]] vay [[/strikethrough]] vague and uncertain invitation to said matters, that it would not be right and proper to issue on such reports warrants of arrest for the persons therein named, neither aid the Law Money devise warrants of arrest issued on this law report. but at his instance he agreed that he would return home, a distance of some Twenty nine miles from this place and investigate the cases with more ease, and report to me by letter, and that if