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Hdqrs Sub Dist Talladega 
Talladega Ala. Oct. 28. 1867
Col O D Kinsman
Sub Dist Commp
In reply to your of 22d unst I have the honor to state that I have had a conversation with judges Probate respecting transfer of the Hospital  to the county Authorities, judge assured and that he would bring the matter before the county commissioner 1st Monday in Nov ; but he said the commissioner spoke of this some time since and objected to receiving the entire numbers of inmates, as most of them was from adjoining counties. But the most important objection was, that the county is now in debt. And the present year taxes will not liquidate the present indebtedness of the county; for the want of money. The County is frequently greatly  inconvenienced in supplying 4 Paupers and defraying other necessary incidental expenses. To present any inconveniance to inmates of said Hospital the Hon judge Probate request that the transfer be delayed as long as consistent and as same time he will urge the commissioner to make arrangements to receive and properly provide for said inmates at earliest possible moment over