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Freedmen's Hospital 
Garland, Ala. 
Dec 11th 1867. 

Bvt. Lt. Col. Charles J. Kipp. Surg. U.S.V.  
Surgeon-in-Chief of the District of Alabama. 
Montgomery, Ala. 

Colonel -
I have the honor to request that transportation from Garland, Ala. to Montgomery, Ala. be furnished for the following named freedpeople, who are at present, inmates of this hospital. 

Jennie Brock. 
Sarah Payne. 
Hasty Payne.  } 
Martha Payne. } (children)
Jennie is too old to earn a sustinence. Sarah is an invalid. Their friends in Montgomery desire that they should come and live with them so they can support them. 

I am, Colonel, Very Respectfully your obedt. Servt. 
Jacob W. Mooar 
actg. asst. Surg. U.S.A. in charge.