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Freedmen's Hospital
Garland, Ala.
Dec. 16th 1867.

Bvt. Lt. Col. Charles J. Kipp Surg. U.S.Vols.
Surgeon-in-Chief of the District of Alabama.

Montgomery Ala.

I have the honor to request that transportation from Garland Ala. to Moline Fla. be furnished to the following named freedpeople who are at present inmates of this Hospital:
Mary Bennett.
Fanny Bennett. }
Ella Bennett. }
Joseph Bennett. } children
Martha J. Bennett. }

A brother of Mary Bennett resides in Moline, Fla. who desires her and her children to come and live with him. He will support them.

I am, Colonel,
Very Respectfully
Jacob W. Mooar
Actg. Asst. Surg. U.S.A.
in charge.

Transcription Notes:
In cursive writing, the capital "A" looks like a lowercase "a", but since the letter is being used in a title of a person, then we know it is capitalized - Actg. Asst. Surg., U.S.A., not actg. asst., ....