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Office A.A.Q.M & A.C.S.
Bureau of Ref. F & A. Lands
Demopolis, Ala. January 1" 1867

Lieut J.F. Conyngham
A.A.A. Genl. Sub Dist. Ala
Montgomery Ala.


I have the honor to report that I have this day complied with the requirements of Para. 468. Revised Army Regulations and of Circular No. 12. War Depart. Bureau of Ref. F & A. Lands dated Washington December 1st 1866

Very Respectfully
Your obedt Servant
P.E. O'Connor
Bvt Capt & 1st Lieut V.R.C.

Transcription Notes:
2-28-2021: In other letters in this project there is mention of a J F Conyngham (sometimes spelled Canyngham). [[?]] deciphered; Marking for review 2-28-2021: Transcribed with one remaining undeciphered word [[?]] - the last name of the recipient of the letter; Please do NOT mark for review or complete until all [[?]]s are deciphered