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and ignorant of the duties of a clerk in the Q.M. Dept.

Office Sub Asst Comr BRF & AL
Demopolis Mar 9 /67

Respectfully forwarded

C W Pierce
Bvt Maj & Sub Asst Com.

Bureau of RF & AL
Sub Dist of Demopolis Ala

E&M 1150 Dist of Ala. 1867.

Hd Qrs Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala. March 16th 1867

Respectfully referred to Commanding 
Officer Post of Montgomery, Ala, who will please inform this office whether he can detail from his command a soldier suitable to perform the duties of Clerk in the Q.M. Dept as required by Capt. O'Connor

By Order of 
Maj. Genl. Wager Swayne
J.F. Conyngham
1 Lieut. 24th U.S. Inf
A. A. A. G.