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Office A.A.Q.M. Bureau of R.F & A. Lands. 
Demopolis Alabama March 8 1867.

Lieut. J. F. Conyngham
A.A.A. Genl. Sub. Dist. Ala.
Montgomery, Ala.

I have the honor to request that private Wm N. Reiber. Co. "D" 33rd U.S. Inf. on duty as clerk in the Q.M. Dept. under my charge, be relieved, and that another who is competent to perform the duties of a clerk, be detailed in his stead - Private Reiber's term of service expires on or before the 10th May next; about the time he would begin to be of some assistance, at present he can only copy at most, and is of little assistance, otherwise he is a good young soldier. Until he was detailed here he never saw a paper pertaining to the Q.M. Dept. and knows nothing whatever about the duties of a clerk in that department- 

Very Respectfully
Your Obedt. Servant
P E O'Connor
Bvt. Capt. & 1st Lieut. V.R.C. A.A.Q.M.
B.R.F & A. Lands

Head Qurs. B.R.F & A. Lands.
Sub. Dist. of Demopolis