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appears to be one of the causes of the shooting also. 
Sherry's wife does not live with him, but on her own farm with her two sons some distance from Bridgeport, Ala. 
The property belongs to the woman and her sons and Shery according to his statement has only some personal property on the place.
I found nothing in regard to Sherry's union principles either pro & con he has no papers in his possession to show that he ever was employed in the Federal Army in any capacity whatever. 
Shery resides at Bridgeport Ala. and is considered by the citizen to be a man of good character. 
The question appears to be whether Carleton can now be tried for attempt at murder Gov. Patton's proclamation notwithstanding, the other matter appears to be a family quarrel. 
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Sevt. 
Wm. B. Eccleston
Capt 33d USI and Bvt. Maj. U.S.A.
Comdg Post
To J.F. Coyningham 1st Lieut 24th U.S.I.
A.A.A.G. Sub Dist of Ala. 
Montgomery Ala.