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with this office on such a point is a thing of no consequence; his responsibility for his theories and his actions is elsewhere.
The facts as to the possession of title have been given: whether the officer who sold the property went beyond his official duty or not is a matter of which this office has no knowledge, and has not right to advance an opinion. The State Court has decided that he acted illegally and without authority; the facts in which such decision was given were in evidence before the Court. It remains for Col. Shepherd to give such interpretation to that decision as in his discretion may seem proper.
Geo. H. Tracy
Capt. 15th Infty. Bvt. Maj. U.S.A.
Sub-Asst. Commr.

Hd. Qrs. Post of Mobile
Mobile, Ala.  May 16th 67

Respectfully returned to the General Commanding the Distr. with the information afforded